03 Jan

Good Bye 2019 HELLO 2020
by Geri
Good Bye 2019
Wow! What a year!
The short version
It all started with me popping in for a cuppa late in 2018 when life really wasn’t going my way.
I had lost everything I worked for and every penny I put into another business through no fault of my own.
The sleepless nights, not being able to eat, worrying about providing for my family, the absolute dread of my phone going off to read yet another abusive message, setting up a new home from scratch with nothing… the list goes on.
But it wasn’t all bad. I still had a handful of friends and I had met Philip, we didn’t have a TV but we had each other
After meeting Amy for a cuppa in her shop ‘Evoke Tanning’ We came up with a plan, Philip and I were to rent a space in Amy’s shop offering Beauty and Massage. Amy had already tried this with other therapists, but it didn’t work out.
Very soon after that Philip and I were struggling to both run our businesses from that one small space. The bookings were going crazy! We were (and still do sometimes) working till 11pm at night
After lots of talks Amy and her husband Martyn came up with a plan! Martyn built us a wall and divided Amy’s shop into too. Philip now had his own private clinic.
Renting a space wasn’t working for us. Amy and I became business partners.I had previously owned a tanning and beauty salon.. So it just made sense.
We rebranded to ‘Evoke Wellbeing’ as we wasn’t just a tanning shop anymore.
We got ourselves a new website and app
Amy put her own Fitness business ‘Evoke Fitness’ to one side, and together we put all our efforts into the shop.
We were soon doing 50 Lash appointments a week between us. As well as all our other services and decided to take on staff.
The shop was getting so busy, we had to put a bench outside for customers to sit on!
We had come so far but got to that point again where we were struggling for space. It was actually getting a little embarrassing how crammed we were in our little shop.
So……… after months of looking and talking, Philip found a new clinic across the road. We all needed extra space for the good of the business. Philip rebranded to PW Therapy.
We then had to ask Martyn to put a great big hole in the lovely wall he built us, so we could expand the shop again! At last the shop felt spacious and comfortable! We could offer our clients a much better experience and start offering treatments we couldn’t before.
To say I am excited for 2020 would be an understatement.
We are relaunching Evoke Fitness which will run along side Evoke Wellbeing as one business. This means Amy will be working pretty much non stop!
We have just purchased our first company vehicle (its an old van, but its ours)
I am going back to college!
AND LOTS MORE plans which are top secret at the moment!
We are ready to smash this year and put in, even more to 2020 then we did 2019!
So here is a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all our clients that have supported us so far and of course to
Amy, Martyn and Philip
- New
- App
- 25%
- Discount
- Website
- Launch
- #chinaglazw
- #cinanails
- #ardelllashes
- #crystallite
- #californiamango
- #marvelbrow
- #marvellash
- #OPI
- #babelash
- #miltonkeynes
- #tanning
- #beautysalon
- #sallyssalonservices
- #stonystratford
- #lashes
- #lashextenions
- #competition
- Vitamin
- D
- Mushrooms
- Health
- Philip
- #christmaspartystonystratford
- #christmasnails
- #lashextensions
- #eyelashes
- #beauty
- #free
- #freetan
- #freetanning
- #freetanningday
- #sunbed
- #freesunbed
- #discounts
- #discountchristmasshopping
- #christmasshopping
- #gifts
- #christmaslights
- #spraytan
- new
- year
- start
- stony
- stratford
- salon
- fitness
- beauty
- business
- milton
- keynes
- thank
- you
- stonystratford
- therapist
- covid-19
- nail
- tech
- lash
- trading
- standards
- citizen
- advice
- closed
- open
- massage
- facial
- pedicure
- gel
- polish
- corona
- virus
- home
- self
- care
- moroccan
- oil
- argan
- coconut
- nails
- press
- on
- australian
- gold
- wella
- nivea
- shea
- butter
- eyelure
- collagen
- face
- mask
- white
- to
- brown
- tan
- boot
- camp
- tanning
- person
- trainer
- coffin
- glitter
- lip
- plumping
- manicure
- jobs
- job
- vacancy
- extensions
- Beauty
- Salon
- brows
- lashes
- we
- are
- opening
- hours
- sun
- beds
- evoke
- wellbeing
- brow
- wax
- lamination
- lift
- wolverton
- aesthetics
- hair
- mkinspirationawards
- Emily
- Haig
- Performing
- arts
- singer
- soprano
- #MiltonKeynesLashes
- #LashExtensionsMK
- #LashGoalsMiltonKeynes
- #VolumeLashesMK
- #ClassicLashesMK
- #LashTechMiltonKeynes
- #MiltonKeynesBeauty
- #LashArtistMK
- #LashExtensionsSpecialist
- #MKBeautyServices
- #EyelashExtensionsMiltonKeynes
- awards
- hairdresser
- colourist
- EvokeSalon
- GuildAccredited
- BeautyTraining
- Grateful
- Since2005
- EnglishHairAndBeautyAwards
- LashTech
- Massage
- Therapist
- Courses
- TrainWithGeri
- Training
- Business
- LevelUp
- Learn
- From
- Home
- prices
- FacialC
- ourse
- Guild
- Accredited
- Milton
- Keynes
- Facial
- Skincare
- Course
- Education
- MK
- Facials
- beautyT
- herapist
- Life
- Train
- With
- The
- Best
- Image
- Slideshow
- Video